The Essence of Service



In the realm of hospitality, service is often spoken of as a simple transaction—yet, for Jesús Parrilla, it is nothing less than an art form. Drawing from a deep well of experience and wisdom, Jesús reveals that true service goes far beyond meeting expectations; it’s about crafting moments that resonate on a personal level. In this intimate chat, he invites us to explore the nuances of service culture, where the unseen dynamics between colleagues and the subtle, unspoken needs of guests create a symphony of memorable experiences. Prepare to rethink what it means to serve and be served, as Jesús shares his philosophy on the essence of service.

What’s the most important consideration in providing great service?

Service is the art of teamwork, active listening, and observing. Great service starts with what the guests might not see – treating everyone, from your peers to your subordinates and suppliers, with the utmost respect, genuine sympathy, and inherent decency. Imagine a ripple effect; you cannot deliver exceptional service to your guests if your internal interactions are not synchronized and lack harmony. Service is not a fleeting moment; it is the cumulative impact of countless small, thoughtful efforts. Each gesture, each action, adds up to create an unforgettable experience.

What defines a great service culture?

A great service culture understands that great service starts with seeing your work colleagues as your top clients first. A great service culture is a symphony where every participant, whether an internal team member or an external partner, understands their unique role in the customer journey. It’s about seeing the whole picture and how all the pieces harmonize to create a seamless experience. Everyone must be invested in the shared vision, bringing passion, collaboration, and dedication to their part, no matter how big or small. It’s the collective commitment to fluid communication and excellence that fuels a truly remarkable service culture.

In your opinion, what makes an outstanding service experience?

An outstanding service experience is about more than just delivering what the guest has requested; it’s about intuitively understanding and responding to their unspoken needs. It’s reading between the lines, grasping the subtle cues, and anticipating desires they might not even be aware of. It’s knowing who craves attentive service and who values their privacy, recognizing the perfect moment to engage and the

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